Wednesday, July 11, 2012

30 Day Challenge, Day 16!!

Today is day 16!! I'm so excited that I've kept up with every single day so far!! Believe me, it's hard to find the time to get these done, with 4 kiddos! Today I am sharing a memory that I have from my childhood.

I have so many great memories. Just about every one of these memories includes my mom. She was and IS a fantastic mother. I try daily to raise my kids, the way she raised me and my brothers.

The memory I am sharing is when I had surgery on my eyes. I was 4 years old. The muscles in my eyes that control my eyes were too long, making my eyes look extremely cross eyed. Mom, have I ever thanked you for getting that surgery done for me?!! :) So, I had surgery to correct my eyes, it worked. The surgery went perfect and my parents brought me home.

I remember the pain in my eyes. It was awful. It felt like sand was in my eyes and all I wanted to do, was to rub them! That was a huge no-no, and my mom had to make sure I kept my hands away from my eyes. I remember crying because of the pain. My mom blew up an air mattress and put it in the living room. We both slept there that night. I remember several times my mom sweetly moving my hands aways from my face, as I drifted off to sleep.

I was 4. I remember THAT moment so clearly. I felt so loved by my mom. She has always been so sweet, and caring. She laid on that mattress, I am sure as uncomfortable as ever, just to make sure I kept my eyes safe, wasn't in too much pain, and so I wouldn't be in my room alone.

For some reason, I've never forgotten that memory. It's stuck with me, all these years. I love that memory. She made sure I was ok, and while I was crying from the pain, she simply held me. I even remember her telling me stories that night, I can't remember if they were made up, or stories about our family, but she talked me through the pain. I will always remember that. I mean, my mom was amazing to me, and still is. She gave all of us kids so much love. I'm not sure why that specific memory sits with me, since she was just being her sweet self, taking care of her baby. But at 4 years old, knowing my mom was laying with me all night to make sure I kept my eyes safe, and wasn't in too much pain really hit me.

So, while a lot of us parents think that there is no way a 3 or 4 or even 5 year old will remember much of their childhood, think again. They remember things that mean a lot to THEM. So give out those hugs and kisses like there is no tomorrow :) It might be a memory that your child never forgets.

I love you mom. Thank you for all you have ever done for me. For grounding me when I deserved it, hugging me when I needed it, and loving me throughout everything. <3

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